34 research outputs found

    Introduction : Inclusive epistemologies and practices of out- of- school English learning

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    Official indicators suggest that English as a Foreign language is one of the school subjects that is most telling of social inequalities in Catalonia, this being the geographical and educational context where the research presented in this volume was carried out. Similar findings are reported in other areas of Europe. This monograph reports on the main findings of the research project 'Inclusive epistemologies and practices of out- of- school English learning (IEP!)', funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and led by the author of this chapter, which ran from January 2019 until June 2021. The project responded to low attainment levels for English as a Foreign Language among socioeconomically disadvantaged youth in a municipality in the metropolitan area surrounding Barcelona. As part of this project, the contributors to this volume: 1) collaboratively researched teenagers' existing practices of using and learning English out of school time; 2) implemented new, inclusive, nonformal English language educational initiatives; 3) evaluated the impact of the nonformal English language educational initiatives implemented; and 4) supported the sustainability and transferability of the initiatives. The project embedded collaborative and creative ways of working and building knowledge into its methodology, and in this sense, it aimed to contest traditional researcher- researched and logocentric hierarchies of knowledge, and to foster not only inclusive educational practices, but also inclusive epistemologies

    Editor's note

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    Final reflections

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    This concluding chapter offers some final reflections regarding the four objectives of the research project 'Inclusive epistemologies and practices of out- of- school English learning (IEP!)1', funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, which ran from January 2019 until June 2021. These aims were: 1) to collaboratively researchteenagers' existing practices of using and learning English out of school time; 2) to implement new, inclusive, nonformal English language educational initiatives; 3) to evaluate the impact of the nonformal English language educational intiatives implemented; 4) to support the sustainability and transferability of the initiatives. Both the main outcomes and some enduring challenges are presented

    Nota de las editoras

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    Como siempre es un placer anunciar la publicación de otro volumen de BJTLLL. En un momento en que el mundo de la publicación académica se enfrenta a bastantes polémicas, entre las cuales está la inequidad que surge del uso creciente de las métricas como medida de la calidad de la investigación, seguimos manteniendo nuestro compromiso de publicar nuevas investigaciones prometedoras de jóvenes que están empezando a profundizar en sus respectivos campos, manteniendo al mismo tiempo un alto nivel de calidad de su producción. Siguiendo estas líneas, este volumen contiene tres artículos científicos estimulantes e innovadores llevados a cabo por jóvenes investigadores en los campos de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje de la lengua y de la literatura.As always it is our pleasure to announce the publication of another volume of BJTLLL. At a time when academic publishing is becoming rife with polemic issues, not least of which is inequity that arises from the increasing use of metrics as a measure of research quality, we continue to uphold our commitment to publishing promising new research of young scholars breaking into their respective fields while maintaining a high level of quality of output. Along these lines, this issue has three exciting and innovative research articles by new researchers in the fields of language and literature teaching and learning.Com sempre és un plaer anunciar la publicació d'un altre volum de BJTLLL. En un moment en què el món de la publicació acadèmica s'enfronta a bastants polèmiques, entre les quals hi ha la inequitat que sorgeix de l'ús creixent de les metriques com a mesura de la qualitat de la investigació, seguim mantenint el nostre compromís de publicar noves promeses de recerca de joves que estan començant a aprofundir en els seus respectius camps, mantenint al mateix temps un alt nivell de qualitat de la seva producció. Seguint aquestes línies, aquest volum conté articles científics estimulants i innovadors portats a terme per joves investigadors en els camps de l'ensenyament i de l'aprenentatge de la llengua i de la literatura.Comme toujours, c'est un plaisir d'annoncer la publication d'un autre volume de BJTLLL. À un moment où le monde de l'édition académique fait face à beaucoup de controverse, parmi lesquelles l'inégalité découlant de l'utilisation croissante des indicateurs comme mesure de la qualité de la recherche, nous continuons à maintenir notre engagement à publier de nouvelles recherches prometteuses de les jeunes qui commencent à approfondir dans leurs domaines respectifs, tout en conservant un niveau élevé de qualité de leur production. Dans ce sens, ce volume contient trois articles scientifiques stimulants et novateurs réalisés par de jeunes chercheurs dans les domaines de l'enseignement et de l'apprentissage du langage et de la littérature

    The affordances of an arts-based approach for building opportunities for young people's learning

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    This chapter sets out from the empirical basis of data collected in a digital storytelling activity implemented as part of the IEP! project, in which different creative practices and methods come into play. Considering the complex codependence of elements - mediational tools and artefacts, roles and identities, language/ s, histories, space, time, activities, etc. - that converge in and around a handicraft activity carried out in one session, we draw on the notion of ecology to consider the opportunities for young people's (language) learning that emerge therein. The analysis focuses on how: 1) life histories create a panoramicspace for learning; 2) the youth develop self- knowledge in the ways they manage their activity and their relationships; and 3) the youth harness the affordances of the context for managing their engagement and alignment in the activity and with others

    Practices of conformity and transgression in an out-of-school reading programme for 'at risk' children

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    A large body of research has demonstrated that the plurilingualisms and pluriliteracies that children and youth bring to classrooms are often not those required for school success. This is even more so for students from underprivileged backgrounds, a demographic where children and youth with family backgrounds of immigration are over-represented. This article reports on ethnographic research at an after-school reading programme for primary school children considered to be at risk of school failure in the old town of Barcelona. Results suggest that the practices of pluriliteracy supported by the programme often conform with those inherent to the children's formal education; that is, with the very practices that have contributed to the children being placed in the programme to begin with. However, through the fine-grained analysis of child-volunteer interactions, certain practices that subtly transgress these norms are identified. It is in such practices that we see potential for educational transformation

    Making Colin the poet real English language learning as embodied action,: aesthetics and emotion

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    This chapter analyses videorecorded interactions in English theatre sessions with a group of secondary school students. It shows how seemingly inauthentic language input is transformed into a real, embodied, aesthetic and emotional learning experience by the youth. In the data studied, learners work with a commercially published drama script over several weeks, reading it aloud, repeating it, memorising it, correcting themselves and being corrected, paying attention to their voices, to their bodies, to the physical space and to material props. They play roles, play with words and their voices, with their bodies and movement, and with objects encountered. The chapter considers notions of authenticity, play, action, aesthetics and emotion in second language education to trace how the young people show their understanding that authentic language and language learning are done while constructing real life

    Being plurilingual versus becoming a linguistically sensitive teacher : tensions in the discourse of initial teacher education students

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    Ajuts: This work was supported by ERASMUS+ Key Action 3 - Support for policy reform - policy experimentations. Call EACEA 28/2017: [Grant Number 606695-EPP-1-2018-2-FI-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY]; Teaching Innovation Support grant, Faculty of Education, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. This work has been supported by the European project Linguistically Sensitive Teaching in all classrooms (LISTiac, ERASMUS+ Key Action 3, ref: 606695-EPP-1-2018-2-FI-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY, http://listiac.org/) and the project Design, implementation and evaluation of a didactic proposal to work on prejudices and biases about linguistic diversity in schools based on the 'educational cycle' and 'thought workshops' model (Teaching Innovation Support grant, Faculty of Education, Universitat Aut?noma de Barcelona).The beliefs of pre-service teachers in initial teacher education (ITE) in Catalonia about plurilingualism and teaching in diverse classrooms are analysed and tensions in their discourse are observed. Following the analysis of discourse in interaction (e.g. Heller [2005]. Discourse and interaction. In D. Schiffrin, D. Tannen, & H. E. Hamilton (Eds.), The handbook of discourse analysis (pp. 250-264). Blackwell Publishers Ltd), we analyse data from an individual reflection task and subsequent focus group discussion in which pre-service teachers discuss their ideas about linguistically sensitive teaching. Our findings suggest that pre-service teachers have very positive ideas regarding being plurilingual speakers. However, when positioning themselves as teachers, the feelings they express about linguistic diversity in schools become negative. These ideas are linked to ideological constructions that circulate, for example, in European institutional discourses about multi/plurilingualism and in neoliberal conceptions of languages and learning. We suggest that more spaces for discussion and reflection are needed in ITE in order to promote linguistically sensitive teaching among future practitioners

    Què aporta l'anàlisi conversacional a la comprensió de les situacions d'AICLE

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